Thursday, September 1, 2011


Went to see the movie Colombiana last night. Wasn't bad, wasn't great. Revenge movie with a female protagonist. Zoe Saldana is the actress with the understated, but incredibly hot Michael Vartan as the love interest. If they had secured a happy ending together, instead of just a maybe someday, I would have been pleased. I know its not realistic. I'm sure she disappeared into the sunset and they never got together again. But I can't think like that. I need happy endings. The "point" of the movie, if you will, was for her to kill the people who were responsible for the deaths of her parents. Which she achieved. However, prior to her achieving this, those same people killed the rest of her family. The ending of her as the lonely assassin just doesn't work for me. Especially since we just had the same ending in Salt with Angelina Jolie. Why can't movies with women ever have them get revenge and then find happiness too? Or just realize that maybe revenge isn't everything? And find happiness... Yes, I just wanted a happy ending.

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