Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Why do you fuck with crazy women? Why can't you just leave us alone? Aren't there any sane girls out there for you to mess with? Seriously, I have enough problems without you playing mind games with me. I could handle casual if it stayed casual. I could be friends, if we were just friends. Stop changing the rules. Stop playing least in sight and then coming back around just when I make up my mind that I've had enough. You suck. You really, really suck. I accepted that I wasn't awesome, that I meant nothing. Then you held my hand in the bar and I was caught off guard. What the hell. No one does that. People might see. Kissing me. Its wrong. You make me be quiet when your ex calls but you kiss me in public. What the Hell? I don't get it and I want to understand. Stop messing with my head. Go away and stay away. Or come back and be consistent. Be an ass. I can handle that. Be nice. I don't get it. Just be one thing and stop confusing me. This game doesn't work.

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