Thursday, September 15, 2011

I'm starting to get you, and I don't like it

So I see that we aren't talking again this morning. Talking being a relative term since you rarely talk to me. Texting or chatting is more your style. I guess this means that you're sober again and you don't currently want or need anything from me. I despise us right now. I despise you for being such an ass and myself for letting you stick around in my life and be this way. I was proud of me last night. I admit it, I wanted to hang out. But not in the lame manner you were offering. Not like some off to the side groupie that just happens to be there. I'm better than that. Sleeping was good for me. And when I woke up and there was a text from you, I guess I felt a little bit better. Like maybe you regretted not being nicer to me. But now, now I just feel crummy about you again. Because I know you're awake. I left you a facebook message. And I noticed when you logged on, and logged off, without talking to me. So what? Do you even remember texting me last night? Or is that just one more of those lost drunken things? Honestly, maybe I'm glad. I know you are totally wrong for me. I know if you ever made an effort to be part of my life you would probably stress my stability and that would be bad. So maybe this behavior is really a good thing. I know I'm confused, but every time you behave like the person I don't like, I want you out of my life a little more. It doesn't stay that way, but in time I think you won't manage to come back. And I will be glad.

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