Thursday, July 15, 2010


Darn. This staying on task thing is hard. You let a few days go and the next thing you know, there is too much stuff to catch up coherently. Anyway, to make this quick, I have a job. Maybe two. Needless to say, they are not top of the food chain. But at least it is gainful employment. With people, at little bit.

Second, I have new drugs. Saying that makes me feel like Marilyn Manson. Not quite sure why. Went to see a new doctor. Strange how outside of the office you feel like a nut but as soon as they start asking questions you want to pretend you are fine. I think its a survival mechanism. "Please, please, don't lock me away!" Something like that. Anyway, not I'm on Lithium. The dreaded. The thing that I never wanted to take. Didn't have many other options at this point so I said okay. Just have to see how it goes.

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