Thursday, February 3, 2011

Love in Infant Monkeys

Just finished the first of my Classics Challenge books. Love in Infant Monkeys is a collection of stories by Lydia Millet. Its available at Amazon, but I checked mine out at the local library. This book was a runner up for a Pulitzer Prize. I found it to be a mix, the way I find most short story collections. Some stories, like Sir Henry or Tesla and Wife, left me wanting to know more. At the end of those stories I knew I would be researching the subject further. Others were difficult for me to finish. Thomas Edison and Vasil Golakov was my least favorite story for several reasons. I found the subject of elaboration between the two men ( Thomas Edison and Vasil Golakov) distasteful and and the subjects themselves were unsatisfying. Sir Henry, is the story of a dog walker and his feelings toward his charges. One of these charges is Sir Henry. The dog walker reminded me a little of myself. The animals are the important thing for him, but he still wants the outside world to accept him. The end of the story is a choice not yet decided. I hope he chose for his happiness and not for social acceptance.

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