Thursday, February 3, 2011

Horse, Horse, Horse the Second

Tomorrow I will ride D. for the first time. We did the meet and greet on Tuesday. It went surprisingly well, especially for me with my fear of strangers. D. is as gorgeous in real life as he is in the facebook photos. And his owner? Is incredibly nice. I was shocked. The women at the barn where I work are friendly, but I have found most horse people to be quite uptight. It takes forever for them to warm up to anyone, if they do at all. Even when I was good at rodeo (far in the past) I never felt like I fit in. But D.'s owner is friendly and has offered to share her tack and other essentials. We were supposed to meet on Monday to ride, but she texted earlier and we are meeting tomorrow. At 5. I am excited and nervous. Very nervous. I would blame my desire to drink on nerves, but I think that it's just my typical desire to drink. (Yes, I am an impending alcoholic.) Anyway, I wish my new riding boots would arrive on time. Doubtful though. I hope they fit!

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