Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Classics Challenge

1. A banned book ~
American Psycho
2. A book with a wartime setting (any war) ~

Blood on the Shamrock: A Novel of Ireland's Civil War

3. A Pulitzer Prize (fiction) winner or runner up ~
Love in Infant Monkeys byLydia Millet
4. A Children's/Young Adult Classic ~
Chronicles of Narnia
5. 19th century classic
6. 20th century classic ~ Lolita
7. A book you think should be considered a 21st century classic
8. Re-read a book from your high school/college classes ~ To Kill A Mockingbird

Books for the Classic Challenge so far.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for joining in! I am also going to read Lolita.... something I've been wanting to read for a long time!!
