Sunday, November 21, 2010

Today is Sunday

Today is Sunday. The thing that is making me happy today is the Seattle Times Sunday Edition. On (some) Sundays the dogs and I walk to the market that is just below the apartment to grab the paper. The Sunday edition is hefty compared to the regular ones. I like that it seems substantial. First, I separate the ads from the rest of the paper. Then I read the Arts section. The rants and raves contained within is my favorite part. Next, I read the ads. I pick random things from their pages, imagining myself going shopping for those very things. Then I read the comics. Still I miss some of the comics that were shown on the Missoula paper from home. After that I read the Auto section. The Car Talk column usually makes me laugh. Sometimes I read more, sometimes I am tired. Still, I am probably smiling.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

11/20/2010 Today is Saturday

Today is Saturday. The thing that I am most happy about is the look of appreciation and gratitude on my partner's face when I surprise him at work with cupcakes and coffee. It always catches me because coffee and snacks are such a small thing in comparison to the way I feel when he looks at me like that. It might be cheesy and cliche, but that look is the sunshine in my day.